Communicating For Change Cfc, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

CFC is a non-governmental organisation limited by guarantee and is run entirely on a not-for profit basis. It is funded by grants received from international and local donors and is increasingly supported by private sector funding.

CFC also generates income from fee based communications services, film sales and office space rental to support its development communications work.

Oilwatch Africa, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

Oilwatch is a resistance network that opposes the activities of oil companies in tropical countries. Oilwatch is a network that builds solidarity and fosters a common identity among peoples of the South.

Oilwatch understands similarities in the current pattern of resource exploitation in countries of the South, which reflects historical legacy of disempowerment of peoples and considers the recognition of the right of peoples to self-determination as primary in the resolution of environmental problems. Oilwatch is a network of resistance to the negative impacts of oil and gas industry activity on peoples and their environment.

Unfpa Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria, West Africa

The goal of the proposed programme is to contribute to enhancing the quality of life of Nigerians by securing commitment at all levels for the implementation of the national population and development programme.

The programme is consistent with the goals of the ICPD programme of Action, ICPD+5, the national population policy and CCA/UNDAF, as detailed in the attached results and resources framework. The programme will cover 15 out of 36 states.

The level and type of assistance to be provided to the 12 states assisted under the previous programme will be based on: (a) the incidence of poor health survey report; and (b) the level of donor assistance.

Furthermore, three disadvantaged states will be selected from the north-west. The programme will encompass all three thematic areas: advocacy, reproductive health, and population and development strategies.

Quantitative Economic Research Bureau, Abuja, Nigeria, West Africa

Africa, Econometrics, Economics, Globalization, Mathematics, Nigeria, Operations Research, Poverty and the Poor, Social Sciences, Software Engineering, Statistics.

Additional Terms:

Africa, Complexity Sciences, Corruption, Debt, Econometric Modeling, Econometrics, Globalization, Mathematics, Nigeria, Nwaobi, Operations Research, Poverty, REPEC, Root Solution, Social Sciences, Software Development, Statistics, World.

Human Rights And Justice Group, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

Human Rights & Justice Group Int’l (Justice Group) is an independent, non-governmental and not-for-profit voluntary initiative which was established in 1999 by Nigerians from different professional, cultural and social backgrounds to enhance knowledge, respect and observance of human rights, and to encourage exchange of information and experiences for the betterment of the citizenry through the instrumentality of law, education, enlightenment and humanitarianism.

Justice Group membership is drawn from a rich blend of activists and other professionals working together on a shared commitment to justice, the rule of law and human dignity. The idea of the group was to build awareness about those rights as well as investigate and advocate various means for securing their implementation.

In addition, our programs aim at broadening access of individuals and communities and strengthening their participation in the design and implementation of social and economic policies/programs which affect them. We work with communities and groups that cut across gender, literacy, age and social lines, and use focused group pilot projects to measure the impact our interventions are making in target communities.

Center For Policy And Development-poldec, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

Center for Policy and Development (PolDeC) is a progressively dynamic NGDO committed to providing sustained development policy advocacy, training, capacity building, research and documentation in furtherance of engendering appropriate and focused gendered development in Nigeria.

We envision a policy and development resource cum reference center that is a positive development catalyst; and an active participant providing innovative initiatives as well as intellectual capital; and mobilizing resources nationally and internationally for the sustainable development of Nigeria.

Poverty Alleviation Crusaders, Ngo, Ikeja, Nigeria, West Africa

Poverty Alleviation Crusaders (PAC) is an international Non-Governmental Organization.

Through social mobilization and survival techniques, we assist in alleviating poverty through sustainable development projects for the creation of job opportunities, such that the people will be able to earn a living and also to ensure food security such that the people will have enough food for consumption and for export.

We also contribute to diminishing the information gap and to furthering a better understanding of the need to promote democratic rights and good governance, promotion of skills acquisition and self employment schemes.

Our Philosophy

Our work is based on the conviction that to alleviate poverty, Harnessing Community Participation as a major tool to execute our programmes through the Integrated Community Participatory Development Approach.

PAC has found that we cannot celebrate our remarkable achievements in science and technology and other areas of human endeavors, while million of our fellow human beings, continue to live in a world of deprivation and starvation. Our continent faces daunting challenges, above all by poverty now exacerbated by HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Families and the whole society are often caught in a downward spiral of poverty, illness and environmental degradation, spurred on by high population growth rates that outstrip efforts to address other crucial development issues, because most families have too many children that they can hardly cater for.

Association For Child Health, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

Association for Child Health is a non governmental, non political, and multi service organization formed to improve the health condition for Children, adolescent and youth.

Our vision is to improve the health of children, adolescents and youth in Nigeria. Our mission is to provide enlightenment and health education to parents, adolescents and youth.